How to avoid 'Unassigned Local Variable' defined inside a try-catch block

 WebRequest myRequest = WebRequest.Create(baseUri.OriginalString);
 WebResponse myResponse = null;
 Stream myStream= null;
 StreamReader reader =null;

This will assign the variables


If you do it like this you should add an if outside your try/catch

if(reader != null)
        Regex regex = new Regex(@"\s*(?i)href\s*=\s*(\""([^""]*\"")|'[^']*'|([^'"">\s]+))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        MatchCollection splits = regex.Matches(reader.ReadToEnd());

Do note in your case its better to put everything in the try/catch block

You are using a variable, that is assigned in a try/catch block, outside that block. You'll want to move the whole code into the try block.

You could assign null to it like @Svexo proposed, but this will throw an exception should the stream error out.

The compiler says use of unassigned variable because the code after the try/catch block will be executed anyway.

If you have an exception, you catch it, then you run the code after it. That's why you get this error.

You can either

  • assign null to the local variables and then test if they're null before executing the rest of the code
  • return the function in your catch block.
  • or move all the code into the try block as suggested @Femaref