Sublime Text 2: How to get scss and Less files to have color?

  1. In SublimeText Preferences > Package Control.

  2. Select "Package Control:Install Package".

  3. Now type "LESS" in the box. Click on first option which appears.

  4. Restart Sublime.

  5. Open the LESS file

  6. View > Syntax. Select LESS

Same follows for SASS even

The best way to install package for viewing coloured less syntax in sublime text is following this link:

That is because here there are instruction on how to do in case the command line written in the precedent answer doesn't work. There are also two different command lines for different versions of Sublime Text.

After package is installed you will see the LESS category in the View>Syntax menu option.

To me it helped a lot. Hope it works for you too!

You can set the syntax for any specific extension. Please see this:

Open the corresponding file with .scss/.less extension. From the menu at the top, goto View > Syntax > [Optional: Open all with current extension as...] > CSS

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