How to build an IPA without signing in Xcode 8

Without any provisioning profile i.e. signing you won't be able to run on the device. You can create IPA using payload method just build the project and go project navigator and search for the file and select show in finder by right clicking. Then create a folder named PayLoad and then put that app file in it and create zip of that Payload folder and once zip is created rename that zip to your project_name.ipa

To run the unsigned build (IPA) on the device: (In case if you don't have apple dev subscription)

1) you need unsigned IPA You can use these steps described above (xcodebuild...) OR you could use "Archive" option and then navigate to Organizer and right-click "Show in Finder" then open Terimnal and invoke:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath <FILE_NAME>.xcarchive -exportPath ~/Desktop/<FILE_NAME>.ipa

2) you use open source tool iOS APP SIGNER (beware this is opensource but I would recommend to strip off the NimbusKit as it looks very suspicious and its not required to produce a signed IPA just remove the #import and one function call - fix all build errors and you'll get the clean tool)

The idea is that XCode allows users to RUN their own apps on their own devices now without subscription (only with valid apple id) So its somehow fetches the profile based on app bundle ID that's how you can send your IPA to another user and he could re-sign it using some trickery to force XCode to fetch the provisioning profile from the Apple. Check the URL to full instructions how to setup DUMMY project with matching BUNDLE ID to do it

I ended up finding a working solution for xcode 8. Here is the step by step

  1. (Optional) Change build location

Xcode>preferences>locations>derived data>custom>your desktop

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to the project's folder
  2. Run manual build: xcodebuild -workspace (or -project) [workspacename.xcworkspace] -scheme [Schemename] -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO
  3. Open the location from Step 1 (derived data) and navigate to >your app>build>products>Release-iphoneOS
  4. Copy the .app file into a new subfolder named Payload (this folder name is case sensitive and much match verbatim)
  5. Compress Payload folder and rename it to app_name-version_number.ipa

Boom. Done.

Create XCarchive file by using Xcode, click product->archive

first right click on xcarchive file-> show in finder

again right click on xcarchive file-> show package contents

Then open folder products->applications, here you get the your application file

Now, Drag and drop this one to itunes store's app directory(find apps drop down

menu at right top corner of itunes store). This will automatically converts

archive file to ipa file. (Here, you can also do this -> drag and drop .app

file anywhere in itunestore, once it get processed, search it back from search box).

then again right click on it and ->show in finder, this will show your ipa file.

Now you can give this one to any user how ever it won't work now at 2021