How to call a function from another class in React-Native?

You have two options, either to use an object or use class name, let's start with object

class B {
  abc() {
    alert("Hello World");
const b = new B();
export default b;

So when you call this file you can access the function abc like the following

import b from './B.js';
class A extends Component {

The other way is to use class instead as follow

class B{} = function(){
    alert("Hello World");
module.exports = {
  functions: B

So when you call this file you can access the function abc like the following

import b from './B.js';
class A extends Component {

Note: B class should not be a component, you can use it as a helper class.

also, you can enhance the way you deal with the object using singleton pattern as I already mention in React native- Best way to create singleton pattern

UPDATE: If you insist to use component instead of a class function, you can call it through reference, as follows:

export default class B extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    super(props); =;
      alert('Hello World');

    render() {
      return null

now in A component you can call B by reference

import B from "./B.js";
class A extends Component {
  _onItemPressed(item) {;
  render() {
    return (
        style={{ padding: 15 }}
        <Text>Click Me !</Text>
        <B ref={ref => (this._b = ref)} />

You dont initiate your class, to solve this you need to change the to new B().abc();


React Native