How to change NeuralNetwork options?
As already mentioned, options are accessed via:
Method -> {"NeuralNetwork", "L2Regularization" -> 0.12, "HiddenLayers" -> {4, 3, 3}}
To manually set the activation functions of the first and second hidden layers:
"HiddenLayers"-> {{4, "RectifiedLinear"}, {3, "Tanh"}, 3}
Currently, the following activation functions are supported:
{"LogisticSigmoid", "RectifiedLinear", "Tanh", "SoftRectifiedLinear", "Linear"}
Non-zero "L1Regularization" is not yet supported.
The usual proviso: These options are undocumented functionality whose form may change substantially in future versions.
At least
Method -> {"NeuralNetwork", "L2Regularization" -> 0.01, "HiddenLayers" -> {4, 3, 3}}
seems to work. "L1Regularization"
doesn't seem to be settable. Haven't found out about activation functions yet.
More options can be found using
{"BinaryEncoder" -> "Identity", "ClassNumber" -> Automatic, "CrossValidation" -> Automatic, "DataSize" -> All, "EarlyStopping" -> Automatic, "HiddenLayers" -> Automatic, "L2Regularization" -> Automatic, "LearningTask" -> "Predict", MaxIterations -> Automatic, NominalVariables -> Automatic, PerformanceGoal -> Automatic, "PrintCost" -> False, "OptimizationMethod" -> Automatic, "WeightInitializationMethod" -> Automatic}