How to change the Back Button Text on Xamarin.Forms

You can also do it from the Code Behind of the current xaml page

public TodoPage()
    NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "Back");

NB: It has to be done on the previous page you want to set.

e.g. Page A has to have the code if you want Page B to show "Back" title.

Due to the topic:

One of the things that is a little bit unintuitive about this API is that you are setting the title for the back button that shows up when this page is the one that you are going back to. For example, you are trying to set the title to "Home". That means you should be calling this method on the Page that represents the "home" page, not the page that is visible when the back button that says "Home" is showing.

So, if you are navigating from Page1 to Page2, you should set NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, "") in constructor of Page1 and on Page2 you will see the empty title of back button.

You have to set the Backbutton title of your previous page as string.Empty. By default it's the title of the previous page on the navigation stack that is shown as the back button text.

Also Android does not support this property.