Swift: Extending functionality of print() function
You can overshadow the print
method from the standard library:
public func print(items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n") {
let output = items.map { "*\($0)" }.joined(separator: separator)
Swift.print(output, terminator: terminator)
Since the original function is in the standard library, its fully qualified name is Swift.print
If we want to cover all cases with custom print
we should create new file for example: CustomPrint.swift
and then paste this two methods:
First (according to ThomasHaz answer)
public func print(_ items: String..., filename: String = #file, function : String = #function, line: Int = #line, separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n") {
let pretty = "\(URL(fileURLWithPath: filename).lastPathComponent) [#\(line)] \(function)\n\t-> "
let output = items.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: separator)
Swift.print(pretty+output, terminator: terminator)
Swift.print("RELEASE MODE")
and second because the first one does't cover dictionary and array printing
public func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n") {
let output = items.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: separator)
Swift.print(output, terminator: terminator)
Swift.print("RELEASE MODE")
Enjoy :)
This code working for me in swift 3
import Foundation
public func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n") {
let output = items.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: separator)
Swift.print(output, terminator: terminator)
class YourViewController: UIViewController {