How to check if a shell command exists from PHP
Windows uses where
, UNIX systems which
to allow to localize a command. Both will return an empty string in STDOUT if the command isn't found.
PHP_OS is currently WINNT for every supported Windows version by PHP.
So here a portable solution:
* Determines if a command exists on the current environment
* @param string $command The command to check
* @return bool True if the command has been found ; otherwise, false.
function command_exists ($command) {
$whereIsCommand = (PHP_OS == 'WINNT') ? 'where' : 'which';
$process = proc_open(
"$whereIsCommand $command",
0 => array("pipe", "r"), //STDIN
1 => array("pipe", "w"), //STDOUT
2 => array("pipe", "w"), //STDERR
if ($process !== false) {
$stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
$stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
return $stdout != '';
return false;
On Linux/Mac OS Try this:
function command_exist($cmd) {
$return = shell_exec(sprintf("which %s", escapeshellarg($cmd)));
return !empty($return);
Then use it in code:
if (!command_exist('makemiracle')) {
print 'no miracles';
} else {
Update: As suggested by @camilo-martin you could simply use:
if (`which makemiracle`) {
Based on @jcubic and that 'which' should be avoided, this is the cross platform I came up with:
function verifyCommand($command) :bool {
$windows = strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0;
$test = $windows ? 'where' : 'command -v';
return is_executable(trim(shell_exec("$test $command")));