How to combine Flux and ResponseEntity in Spring Webflux controllers
Use switchIfEmpty
to throw an exception in case the user doesn't exist:
return repository
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(NotFoundException("User not found")))
.flatMapIterable{ it.options }
.map { OptionDto.from(it) }
Then with an exception handler translate it to a 404 response.
You can use by returning Mono with ResponseEntity
like this
public Mono<ResponseEntity<?>> oneRawImage(
@PathVariable String filename) {
// tag::try-catch[]
return imageService.findOneImage(filename)
.map(resource -> {
try {
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.body(new InputStreamResource(
} catch (IOException e) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest()
.body("Couldn't find " + filename +
" => " + e.getMessage());
I have also example like this
public ResponseEntity<Mono<?>> newLive(@Valid @RequestBody Life life) {
Mono<Life> savedLive =;
if (savedLive != null) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(savedLive, HttpStatus.CREATED);
return new ResponseEntity<>(Mono.just(new Life()), HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT);
I dislike functional programming in the REST controllers.
Here is an example ReactiveController .