How to compare 2 files fast using .NET?
A checksum comparison will most likely be slower than a byte-by-byte comparison.
In order to generate a checksum, you'll need to load each byte of the file, and perform processing on it. You'll then have to do this on the second file. The processing will almost definitely be slower than the comparison check.
As for generating a checksum: You can do this easily with the cryptography classes. Here's a short example of generating an MD5 checksum with C#.
However, a checksum may be faster and make more sense if you can pre-compute the checksum of the "test" or "base" case. If you have an existing file, and you're checking to see if a new file is the same as the existing one, pre-computing the checksum on your "existing" file would mean only needing to do the DiskIO one time, on the new file. This would likely be faster than a byte-by-byte comparison.
The slowest possible method is to compare two files byte by byte. The fastest I've been able to come up with is a similar comparison, but instead of one byte at a time, you would use an array of bytes sized to Int64, and then compare the resulting numbers.
Here's what I came up with:
const int BYTES_TO_READ = sizeof(Int64);
static bool FilesAreEqual(FileInfo first, FileInfo second)
if (first.Length != second.Length)
return false;
if (string.Equals(first.FullName, second.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
int iterations = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)first.Length / BYTES_TO_READ);
using (FileStream fs1 = first.OpenRead())
using (FileStream fs2 = second.OpenRead())
byte[] one = new byte[BYTES_TO_READ];
byte[] two = new byte[BYTES_TO_READ];
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
fs1.Read(one, 0, BYTES_TO_READ);
fs2.Read(two, 0, BYTES_TO_READ);
if (BitConverter.ToInt64(one,0) != BitConverter.ToInt64(two,0))
return false;
return true;
In my testing, I was able to see this outperform a straightforward ReadByte() scenario by almost 3:1. Averaged over 1000 runs, I got this method at 1063ms, and the method below (straightforward byte by byte comparison) at 3031ms. Hashing always came back sub-second at around an average of 865ms. This testing was with an ~100MB video file.
Here's the ReadByte and hashing methods I used, for comparison purposes:
static bool FilesAreEqual_OneByte(FileInfo first, FileInfo second)
if (first.Length != second.Length)
return false;
if (string.Equals(first.FullName, second.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
using (FileStream fs1 = first.OpenRead())
using (FileStream fs2 = second.OpenRead())
for (int i = 0; i < first.Length; i++)
if (fs1.ReadByte() != fs2.ReadByte())
return false;
return true;
static bool FilesAreEqual_Hash(FileInfo first, FileInfo second)
byte[] firstHash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(first.OpenRead());
byte[] secondHash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(second.OpenRead());
for (int i=0; i<firstHash.Length; i++)
if (firstHash[i] != secondHash[i])
return false;
return true;
If you d̲o̲ decide you truly need a full byte-by-byte comparison (see other answers for discussion of hashing), then the easiest solution is:
• for `System.String` path names:
public static bool AreFileContentsEqual(String path1, String path2) =>
• for `System.IO.FileInfo` instances:
public static bool AreFileContentsEqual(FileInfo fi1, FileInfo fi2) =>
fi1.Length == fi2.Length &&
(fi1.Length == 0L || File.ReadAllBytes(fi1.FullName).SequenceEqual(
Unlike some other posted answers, this is conclusively correct for any kind of file: binary, text, media, executable, etc., but as a full binary comparison, files that that differ only in "unimportant" ways (such as BOM, line-ending, character encoding, media metadata, whitespace, padding, source code comments, etc.note 1) will always be considered not-equal.
This code loads both files into memory entirely, so it should not be used for comparing truly gigantic files. Beyond that important caveat, full loading isn't really a penalty given the design of the .NET GC (because it's fundamentally optimized to keep small, short-lived allocations extremely cheap), and in fact could even be optimal when file sizes are expected to be less than 85K, because using a minimum of user code (as shown here) implies maximally delegating file performance issues to the CLR
, and JIT
to benefit from (e.g.) the latest design technology, system code, and adaptive runtime optimizations.
Furthermore, for such workaday scenarios, concerns about the performance of byte-by-byte comparison via LINQ
enumerators (as shown here) are moot, since hitting the disk a̲t̲ a̲l̲l̲ for file I/O will dwarf, by several orders of magnitude, the benefits of the various memory-comparing alternatives. For example, even though SequenceEqual
does in fact give us the "optimization" of abandoning on first mismatch, this hardly matters after having already fetched the files' contents, each fully necessary for any true-positive cases.
1. An obscure exception: NTFS alternate data streams are not examined by any of the answers discussed on this page, so such streams may be different for files otherwise reported as the "same."