how to compare two string variables in pandas?

I think you can use str.lower and str.replace with arbitrary whitespace s/+:

test = pd.DataFrame({'A': ["john  doe", " john doe", 'John'], 
                     'B': [' john doe', 'eddie murphy', 'batman']})

print test['A'].str.lower().str.replace('s/+',"") == 

0     True
1    False
2    False
dtype: bool

strip the spaces and lower the case:

In [414]:
test['A'].str.strip().str.lower() == test['B'].str.strip().str.lower()

0     True
1    False
2    False
dtype: bool

You can use difflib to compute distance

import difflib as dfl
dfl.SequenceMatcher(None,'John Doe', 'John doe').ratio()

edit : integration with Pandas :

import pandas as pd
import difflib as dfl
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ["john doe", " john doe", 'John'], 'B': [' john doe', 'eddie murphy', 'batman']})
df['VAR1'] = df.apply(lambda x : dfl.SequenceMatcher(None, x['A'], x['B']).ratio(),axis=1)