How to configure an IOPS type EBS after attachment on Amazon AWS?

AWS recently announced Elastic Volumes, which make it possible to modify the volume type (SSD/HDD/PIOPS), volume size (GB), and provisioned IOPS of EBS volumes with no downtime or performance impact.

All EBS volumes have been converted into Elastic Volumes as of today, so this functionality is already available in your AWS account!

Simply right click the EBS volume -> Modify and enter a new IOPS value.

You can't change the EBS size and IOPS once it's attached to EC2 and it's a running instance. You'll need to stop it to make any changes.

First, shutdown your instance.

In the snapshots menu option - select the volume you want to change and make a snapshot. Once the snapshot is created, you right click on it and select "Create Volume" then select your size and type.

On your old Volume select it, right click and select the Detach option. Then find the snapshot you created and attach it.

Then start your instance again.

Yes, You can modify your EBS Volume without any downtime.

Go to volume via instance

Select volume then click right and change and choose modify.