How to construct a logic argument with colored hline with length under control?

You can use a simple tabular and colortbl:

                         & $p$ \\
\arrayrulecolor{blue}    & $p \to q$ \\\cline{2-2}
    $\therefore$         & $q$ \\

enter image description here

You can change the color of the line using xcolor

                         & $p$ \\
\arrayrulecolor{blue!60!green!70}    & $p \to q$ \\\cline{2-2}
    $\therefore$         & $q$ \\

enter image description here

Same works with arrays also (since the MWE is given using arrays):


                & p         \\
                & p \to q   \\ \cline{2-2}
    \therefore  & q

I'd define an environment for this. Adjust the spacing (I used \enspace) and the color (here blue!50) to suit you.



\premise{p\to q}

enter image description here

Another possible solution:


\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[yshift=-0.2ex]({#1}) {};}

\newcommand{\tikzhline}[3][1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]\draw[thick,cyan,shorten <=-{#1}pt,shorten >=-{#1}pt](#2.south)--(#3.south);}

& p\\
& \tikzmark{a}p\rightarrow q\tikzmark{b}\\
\therefore & q
& p\\
& \tikzmark{c}p\rightarrow q\tikzmark{d}\\
\therefore & q

The result:

enter image description here

You will control the length by means of the optional parameter of \tikzhline.