How to convert a string into JSON using SwiftyJSON

Actually, there was a built-in function in SwifyJSON called parse

 Create a JSON from JSON string
- parameter string: Normal json string like '{"a":"b"}'

- returns: The created JSON
public static func parse(string:String) -> JSON {
    return string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
        .flatMap({JSON(data: $0)}) ?? JSON(NSNull())

Note that

var json = JSON.parse(stringJSON)

its now changed to

var json = JSON.init(parseJSON:stringJSON)

I fix it on this way.

I will use the variable "string" as the variable what contains the JSON.


encode the sting with NSData like this

var encodedString : NSData = (string as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
  1. un-encode the string encoded (this may be sound a little bit weird hehehe):

    var finalJSON = JSON(data: encodedString)

Then you can do whatever you like with this JSON.

Like get the number of sections in it (this was the real question) with

finalJSON.count or print(finalJSON[0]) or whatever you like to do.