how to convert from longitude and latitude to country or city?

This is called reverse geocoding. There is one library I could find in Python which is focused on this:

Some related questions with other ideas:

  • Offline Reverse Geocoding in Python
  • Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access

In general the Google API is the best approach. It was not suitable for my case as I had to process a lot of entries and the api is slow.

I coded a small version that does the same but downloads a huge geometry first and computes the countries on the machine.

import requests

from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from shapely.prepared import prep
from shapely.geometry import Point

data = requests.get("").json()

countries = {}
for feature in data["features"]:
    geom = feature["geometry"]
    country = feature["properties"]["ADMIN"]
    countries[country] = prep(shape(geom))


def get_country(lon, lat):
    point = Point(lon, lat)
    for country, geom in countries.iteritems():
        if geom.contains(point):
            return country

    return "unknown"

print(get_country(10.0, 47.0))
# Austria

I use Google's API.

from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
def getplace(lat, lon):
    url = ""
    url += "latlng=%s,%s&sensor=false" % (lat, lon)
    v = urlopen(url).read()
    j = json.loads(v)
    components = j['results'][0]['address_components']
    country = town = None
    for c in components:
        if "country" in c['types']:
            country = c['long_name']
        if "postal_town" in c['types']:
            town = c['long_name']
    return town, country

print(getplace(51.1, 0.1))
print(getplace(51.2, 0.1))
print(getplace(51.3, 0.1))


(u'Hartfield', u'United Kingdom')
(u'Edenbridge', u'United Kingdom')
(u'Sevenoaks', u'United Kingdom')

Google has since removed keyless access to their API. Head over to google and register for a key, you get ~ 1,000 free queries a day. Code in accepted answer should be modified like this (can't add a comment, not enough rep).

from urllib.request import urlopen
import json

def getplace(lat, lon):
    key = "yourkeyhere"
    url = ""
    url += "latlng=%s,%s&sensor=false&key=%s" % (lat, lon, key)
    v = urlopen(url).read()
    j = json.loads(v)
    components = j['results'][0]['address_components']
    country = town = None
    for c in components:
        if "country" in c['types']:
            country = c['long_name']
        if "postal_town" in c['types']:
            town = c['long_name']

    return town, country

print(getplace(51.1, 0.1))
print(getplace(51.2, 0.1))
print(getplace(51.3, 0.1))