How to count non-empty entries in a PHP array?

Possible Solution: First you need to remove empty/null, false and zero values from an array and then count remaining values of an array

If you no need to remove zero values from an array, but remove null and false values

count(array_filter($arrayName, 'strlen'));
//"strlen" use as second parameter if you no need to remove zero '0' values

if you need to remove zero, null and false values from an array


Here's a simple calculation function:

function non_empty(array $a) {
    return array_sum(array_map(function($b) {return empty($b) ? 0 : 1;}, $a));

This will preserve array indexes if your form handling function needs them, like when you're associating the third input on name to the third value of another input set, and there are empty inputs in between them.

You can use array_filter to only keep the values that are “truthy” in the array, like this:


If you explicitly want only non-empty, or if your filter function is more complex:

array_filter($array, function($x) { return !empty($x); });
# function(){} only works in in php >5.3, otherwise use create_function

So, to count only non-empty items, the same way as if you called empty(item) on each of them:

count(array_filter($array, function($x) { return !empty($x); }));

However, as empty() is only a shorthand for 'variable is set and the value is truthy', you don't really gain anything from that, because if your array contains values such as FALSE or "0", those would count as empty as well, same as with the plain call to array_filter.

The better way is to be explicit about what you want to count, e.g. if you want to exclude empty strings only, then use:

array_filter($array, function($x) { return ($x !== ""); });




