How to count number of small dots in a picture

get the binarize image

 img = Import[""];
 binimg = LocalAdaptiveBinarize[img, 25];

enter image description here

The effect like this:

    big = ImageDemosaic[binimg // ColorConvert[#, "Grayscale"] &, 
         "RGGB"] // MinDetect // SelectComponents[#, "Count", # > 100 &] &;
    (array = WatershedComponents[GradientFilter[big, 2], 
        DistanceTransform[big] // MaxDetect]) // Colorize

enter image description here

Then your number is

array // Max



Use the Closing to optimize the binarize image.

binimg = Closing[LocalAdaptiveBinarize[img, 25], 3]

enter image description here

Then we get the array and verify the effect.

(array = WatershedComponents[GradientFilter[binimg, 2], 
    DistanceTransform[binimg // ColorNegate] // 
     MaxDetect]) // Colorize

enter image description here

Or you can like this:

   Point[(array /. 1164 -> 0 // 
       ComponentMeasurements[#, "Centroid"] &)[[All, 2]]]}]]

enter image description here

So the number of your component is:

array // Max


You could try something like this

  ImageTake[img, {100, 400}, {100, 400}],
    ImageTake[img, {100, 400}, {100, 400}],

Output of ImageCorners combined with ImageTake.

for visualization and then

    ImageTake[img, {100, 400}, {100, 400}],

to get an estimate of the numbers of particles. In any case I would start by selecting a subsection of the image where the lighting is as homogenous as possible. As you can see at the above example there's still a number of false positives and false negatives, and you'll also have to guesstimate the actual area your image is covering in order to calculate the density.

In the post referenced in the comment, the key ideas is

In order to separate the overlapping cells, I extract a set of markers by finding local maximas of the DistanceTransform and use these as markers in WatershedComponents

However exactly following that example verbatim won't work (because there are hyperparameters) and would give something like this:

enter image description here

Here are the preprocessing steps I would take:

s1 = GradientFilter[img, 5] // ImageAdjust;
s2 = Threshold[s1, {"Hard", "Cluster"}];
s3 = FillingTransform[s2];
s4 = DeleteSmallComponents[s3, 30];

The bottom line is that it is tough for a human to delineate the blobs, so it is for a computer. However you can play with the "minimum saliency" threshold as follows:

marker = MaxDetect[DistanceTransform[s4, Padding -> 0] // ImageAdjust,

 w = WatershedComponents[GradientFilter[s4, 3], marker, 
   Method -> {"MinimumSaliency", ms}];
 cells = SelectComponents[w, {"Area", "EquivalentDiskRadius"}, 
   10 < #1 < 1000 && #2 > 4 &];
 measures = 
  ComponentMeasurements[{cells, img}, {"Centroid", 
    "EquivalentDiskRadius", "Area"}];
  Graphics[{Thickness[0.003], Opacity[0.6, Yellow], 
    Circle @@ # & /@ (measures[[All, 2, 1 ;; 2]])}], 
  ImageSize -> 800], {ms, 0, 1}]

To manually to achieve to desired cell separations:

enter image description here

which will look much better:

enter image description here