How to create a struct on the stack in C?

an answer to 17.4 Extra Credit (in Zed's book "Learn C the Hard Way") using functions

#include <stdio.h>

struct Person {
        char *name;
        int age;
        int height;
        int weight;

struct Person Person_create(char *name, int age, int height, int weight)
        struct Person who; = name;
        who.age = age;
        who.height = height;
        who.weight = weight;

        return who;

void Person_print(struct Person who)
        printf("Name: %s\n",;
        printf("\tAge: %d\n", who.age);
        printf("\tHeight: %d\n", who.height);
        printf("\tWeight: %d\n", who.weight);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        // make two people structures 
        struct Person joe = Person_create("Joe Alex", 32, 64, 140);
        struct Person frank = Person_create("Frank Blank", 20, 72, 180);

        //print them out and where they are in memory
        printf("Joe is at memory location %p:\n", &joe);

        printf("Frank is at memory location %p:\n", &frank);

        // make everyone age 20 and print them again
        joe.age += 20;
        joe.height -= 2;
        joe.weight += 40;

        frank.age += 20;
        frank.weight += 20;

        return 0;

The same way you declare any variable on the stack:

struct my_struct {...};

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct my_struct my_variable;     // Declare struct on stack

To declare a struct on the stack simply declare it as a normal / non-pointer value

typedef struct { 
  int field1;
  int field2;
} C;

void foo() { 
  C local;
  local.field1 = 42;