How to create Vue.js slot programmatically?

I looked into TypeScript definition files of Vue.js and I found an undocumented function on Vue component instance: $createElement(). My guess is, it is the same function that is passed to render(createElement) function of the component. So, I am able to solve it as:

const Constr = Vue.extend(MyComponent);
const instance = new Constr({
    propsData: { someProp: 'My Heading' }

// Creating simple slot
const node = instance.$createElement('div', ['Hello']);
instance.$slots.default = [node];


But this is clearly undocumented and hence questionable approach. I will not mark it answered if there is some better approach available.

I think I have finally stumbled on a way to programmatically create a slot element. From what I can tell, the approach does not seem to work for functional components. I am not sure why.

If you are implementing your own render method for a component, you can programmatically create slots that you pass to child elements using the createElement method (or whatever you have aliased it to in the render method), and passing a data hash that includes { slot: NAME_OF_YOUR_SLOT } followed by the array of children within that slot.

For example:

Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.config.devtools = false;

Vue.component('parent', {
  render (createElement) {
    return createElement('child', [
      createElement('h1', { slot: 'parent-slot' }, 'Parent-provided Named Slot'),
      createElement('h2', { slot: 'default' }, 'Parent-provided Default Slot')

Vue.component('child', {
  template: '<div><slot name="parent-slot" /><slot /></div>'

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  template: '<parent />'
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id='app'>

(This doesn't really answer How to create Vue.js slot programatically?. But it does solve your problem.)

This trick is less hackish compared to using $createElement().

Basically, create a new component that register MyComponent as a local component.

const Constr = Vue.extend({
  template: `
  <MyComponent someProp="My Heading">
    <div>slot here !!!</div>
  components: {
    MyComponent: MyComponent
const instance = new Constr().$mount('#app');
