How to deal with Elasticsearch index delay

Elasticsearch 5 has an option to block an indexing request until the next refresh ocurred:



Even though you can force ES to refresh itself, you've correctly noticed that it might hurt performance. One solution around this and what people often do (myself included) is to give an illusion of real-time. In the end, it's merely a UX challenge and not really a technical limitation.

When redirecting to the list of users, you could artificially include the new record that you've just created into the list of users as if that record had been returned by ES itself. Nothing prevents you from doing that. And by the time you decide to refresh the page, the new user record would be correctly returned by ES and no one cares where that record is coming from, all the user cares about at that moment is that he wants to see the new record that he's just created, simply because we're used to think sequentially.

Another way to achieve this is by reloading an empty user list skeleton and then via Ajax or some other asynchronous way, retrieve the list of users and display it.

Yet another way is to provide a visual hint/clue on the UI that something is happening in the background and that an update is to be expected very shortly.

In the end, it all boils down to not surprise users but to give them enough clues as to what has happened, what is happening and what they should still expect to happen.


Just for completeness' sake, this answer predates ES5, which introduced a way to make sure that the indexing call would not return until the document is either visible when searching the index or return an error code. By using ?refresh=wait_for when indexing your data you can be certain that when ES responds, the new data will be indexed.