How to debounce / throttle with Svelte?

It's the method itself that should be debounced — so rather than calling debounce on each input event, set handleInput up to be a debounced method:

  <input on:input="handleInput(event)">

  import { debounce } from 'lodash'

  export default {
    data () {
      return { name: '' };

    methods: {
      handleInput: debounce (async function (event) {
        this.set({ name: await apiCall( })
      }, 300)

Simplified REPL example here.

EDIT: svelte v3 version

<input on:input={handleInput}>

  import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'

  let name = '';

  const handleInput = debounce(e => {
    name =;
  }, 300)

REPL example here.