How to define a promise chain without using then method

If you really wanted to create a chainable interface as in your question, this would do it:

const printIn1Sec = (function() {

  function setTimeoutPromise(timeout) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

  function printIn1Sec(value, promise) {
    const newPromise = promise
      .then(() => setTimeoutPromise(1000))
      .then(() => console.log(value));

    return {
      printIn1Sec(value) {
        return printIn1Sec(value, newPromise);

  return value => printIn1Sec(value, Promise.resolve());


We just hide all the promise creation and chaining in an internal function. I split the code into smaller functions to make it a bit nicer looking.

You can try async and await

const printIn1Sec = (value) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000)

async function fun(){
  await printIn1Sec(1);
  await printIn1Sec(2);
  await printIn1Sec(3);
