How to detect if CMD is running as Administrator/has elevated privileges?

ADDENDUM: For Windows 8 this will not work; see this excellent answer instead.

Found this solution here:

    ECHO you are Administrator
) ELSE (
    ECHO you are NOT Administrator. Exiting...
    PING > NUL 2>&1
    EXIT /B 1

Assuming that doesn't work and since we're talking Win7 you could use the following in Powershell if that's suitable:

$principal = new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())

If not (and probably not, since you explicitly proposed batch files) then you could write the above in .NET and return an exit code from an exe based on the result for your batch file to use.

This trick only requires one command: type net session into the command prompt.

If you are NOT an admin, you get an access is denied message.

System error 5 has occurred.

Access is denied.

If you ARE an admin, you get a different message, the most common being:

There are no entries in the list.

From MS Technet:

Used without parameters, net session displays information about all sessions with the local computer.

I like Rushyo's suggestion of using AT, but this is another option:

whoami /groups | findstr /b BUILTIN\Administrators | findstr /c:"Enabled group" && goto :isadministrator

This approach would also allow you to distinguish between a non-administrator and a non-elevated administrator if you wanted to. Non-elevated administrators still have BUILTIN\Administrators in the group list but it is not enabled.

However, this will not work on some non-English language systems. Instead, try

whoami /groups | findstr /c:" S-1-5-32-544 " | findstr /c:" Enabled group" && goto :isadministrator

(This should work on Windows 7 but I'm not sure about earlier versions.)

Pretty much what others have put before, but as a one liner that can be put at the beginning of a batch command. (Well, usually after @echo off.)

net.exe session 1>NUL 2>NUL || (Echo This script requires elevated rights. & Exit /b 1)