How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

I'd like to add my .02 here. It's not 100% bulletproof, but I think it's good enough.

The problem, for me, with the preferred example of putting up some sort of "this site doesn't work so well without Javascript" message is that you then need to make sure that your site works okay without Javascript. And once you've started down that road, then you start realizing that the site should be bulletproof with JS turned off, and that's a whole big chunk of additional work.

So, what you really want is a "redirection" to a page that says "turn on JS, silly". But, of course, you can't reliably do meta redirections. So, here's the suggestion:

    <style type="text/css">
        .pagecontainer {display:none;}
    <div class="noscriptmsg">
    You don't have javascript enabled.  Good luck with that.

...where all of the content in your site is wrapped with a div of class "pagecontainer". The CSS inside the noscript tag will then hide all of your page content, and instead display whatever "no JS" message you want to show. This is actually what Gmail appears to do...and if it's good enough for Google, it's good enough for my little site.

I assume you're trying to decide whether or not to deliver JavaScript-enhanced content. The best implementations degrade cleanly, so that the site will still operate without JavaScript. I also assume that you mean server-side detection, rather than using the <noscript> element for an unexplained reason.

There is no good way to perform server-side JavaScript detection. As an alternative it is possible to set a cookie using JavaScript, and then test for that cookie using server-side scripting upon subsequent page views. However this would be unsuitable for deciding what content to deliver, as it would not distinguish visitors without the cookie from new visitors or from visitors who are did not accept the JavaScript set cookie.