How to download and combine S&P 500 stock prices?

From the question formulation I am not sure what is the desired end result: a time series or a table. It seems to be the latter but I give solutions for both.

I am using a sample of the stocks for clarity.

stdate = "04/21/1982";
enddate = "10/31/2014";

rSP = {"ADP", "ALL", "CNP", "ED", "EMR", "EXPD", "FB", "FLIR", "HAR", 
   "NEE", "OKE", "PHM", "PLD", "PX", "WAT", "XYL"};

Read the stocks time series:

mystock = 
  Table[TimeSeries[FinancialData[rSP[[i]], {stdate, enddate}]], {i, 

Merge into a single time series object

Get the time paths of each time series and covert each path into a list of date->value rules:

dateValRules = 
    Append[Rule @@@ mystock[[i]]["Path"], _?NumberQ -> 0]], {i, 

Create the full set of dates:

dr = DateRange[stdate, enddate];
drt = AbsoluteTime /@ dr;

Create the combined time series object:

combTS = TimeSeries[Transpose@Map[drt /. # &, dateValRules], {drt}];


DateListPlot[combTS, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> False, 
 PlotTheme -> "Detailed"]

enter image description here

Table of dates vs stock values

The code below makes table with rows corresponding to the dates and columns corresponding to the stock IDs. Put the stocks data into a large list of triplets {id, date, value}:

allStock = 
  Join @@ Table[
    Flatten /@ Thread[{rSP[[i]], mystock[[i]]["Path"]}], {i, 

Next we convert into a sparse matrix. For this we corresponding mapping to indices.

dr = DateRange[stdate, enddate];
stockNameToIndexRules = Dispatch@Thread[rSP -> Range[Length[rSP]]];
dateToIndexRules = 
  Dispatch@Thread[(AbsoluteTime /@ dr) -> Range[Length[dr]]];

Verify that all dates are indexed:

Complement[allStock[[All, 2]], Normal[dateToIndexRules][[All, 1]]]

(* Out[444]= {} *)

Make the sparse matrix:

arules = Map[Most[#] -> Last[#] &, 
   allStock /. stockNameToIndexRules /. dateToIndexRules];
smat = Transpose@
               {Length[Normal@stockNameToIndexRules], Length[Normal@dateToIndexRules]}, 

(Note that I put "NA" as the implicit value.)

Tabulate a sample of the sparse matrix:

TableForm[Normal[smat[[2000 ;; 2030, All]]], 
 TableHeadings -> {DateString[#, {"Day", ".", "Month", ".", "Year"}] & /@ Normal[dateToIndexRules][[All, 1]], 
   Normal[stockNameToIndexRules][[All, 1]]}]

enter image description here

We can re-create the sparse matrix with the implicit value being 0 and plot the row sums:

smat0 = 
   arules, {Length[Normal@stockNameToIndexRules], Length[Normal@dateToIndexRules]}]

(* Out[448]= SparseArray[< 95387 >, {11882, 16}] *)

DateListPlot[Transpose[{dr, Total /@ smat0}], PlotTheme -> "Detailed", Joined -> False]

enter image description here

snpstocks = FinancialData["SP500", "Members"];
snpprices = FinancialData[snpstocks[[1 ;; 10]], {{2010, 1, 1}, {2019, 4, 1}}]; (*Selecting only 10 symbols but some are missing*)
snppricesfinal =TimeSeriesThread[# &, snpprices, ResamplingMethod ->Missing[]];
DateListPlot[snppricesfinal, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here