How to draw a separator between the columns of a matrix.

You can use "matrix of nodes" and anchors:

\matrix (mat) [matrix of nodes]
  1 & 2 & 3 \\
  1 & 2 & 3 \\
  1 & 2 & 3 \\
  1 & 2 & 3 \\
% Matrix is called 'mat' first number is row, second numer is column
\draw[thick,red] (mat-1-1.north east) -- (mat-4-1.south east);

Here's an answer based on answers given at Obstacles to simulating an amsmath matrix by a TiKZ matrix of math nodes and How can I set the background color of the rows and columns of a matrix node in Tikz? You don't specify in the question what type of matrix you are wanting to typeset, so I've simply gone for a similar matrix to that which Stefan and xeroc have used. Exactly what code you need depends a lot on what your matrix code looks like. The only one that you really need is the code from How can I set the background color of the rows and columns of a matrix node in Tikz? The others are there to make it look more impressive.

If the code from How can I set the background color of the rows and columns of a matrix node in Tikz? were in a package (below called tikzamsmatrix), the document would look like this:


a & b & 0 \\
c & a + c & {\displaystyle \int_0^1 \sin(x) d x}

and would produce:

tikz augmented matrix

Since that question isn't yet in a package, the code actually looks like this:



\pgfdeclaredecoration{doubled lineto}{brace}
  \state{brace}[width=+\pgfdecoratedremainingdistance,next state=final]
  \state{brace}[width=+\pgfdecoratedremainingdistance,next state=final]

\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string\lbrace\endcsname{calligraphic brace}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string(\endcsname{calligraphic curved parenthesis}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string|\endcsname{lineto}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string\|\endcsname{doubled lineto}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string[\endcsname{bracket}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string\rbrace\endcsname{calligraphic brace}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string)\endcsname{calligraphic curved parenthesis}
\expandafter\def\csname delimiter \string]\endcsname{bracket}

    every delimiter/.style={yshift=-1pt},
    every left delimiter/.style={xshift=2pt},
    every right delimiter/.style={xshift=-2pt},
    every node/.style={inner sep=0pt},
    execute at end picture={
      \path (current bounding box.east) ++(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ams matrix xsep},0) (current bounding box.west) ++(-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ams matrix xsep},0);
  ams matrix xsep/.initial={.5ex},
  ams matrix/.style={
    inner sep=1pt,
    column sep=\mtxcolsep,
    row sep=\mtxrowsep,
%    ampersand replacement=\&,
    matrix of math nodes,
  ams delimiters/.style args={#1,#2}{
    left delimiter={#1},
    right delimiter={#2},
  delimiters/.style args={#1,#2}{
    \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix delimiter type} delimiters={{#1},{#2}},
  matrix delimiter type/.initial={tikz},
  tikz delimiter style/.style={
  tikz delimiters/.style args={#1,#2}{
    left tikz delimiter={#1},
    right tikz delimiter={#2},
  left tikz delimiter/.style={
    render left tikz delimiter/.expand once={\csname delimiter \string#1\endcsname}
  render left tikz delimiter/.style={
    append after command={(\tikzlastnode.north west) edge[tikz delimiter style,decorate,decoration={mirror,#1}] (\tikzlastnode.south west)}
  right tikz delimiter/.style={
    render right tikz delimiter/.expand once={\csname delimiter \string#1\endcsname}
  render right tikz delimiter/.style={
    append after command={(\tikzlastnode.north east) edge[tikz delimiter style,decorate,decoration={#1}] (\tikzlastnode.south east)}
    every matrix/.style={
      ams matrix,
    every matrix/.style={
      ams matrix,
    every matrix/.style={
      ams matrix,
    every matrix/.style={
      ams matrix,
    every matrix/.style={
      ams matrix,



\foreach \mtype in {b,B,p,v,V} {

\expandafter\xdef\csname tikz\mtype matrix\endcsname{%
    \noexpand\begin{tikzpicture}[\mtype matrix,matrix delimiter type={tikz}]
    \noexpand\matrix \noexpand\bgroup}
\expandafter\xdef\csname ams\mtype matrix\endcsname{%
    \noexpand\begin{tikzpicture}[\mtype matrix,matrix delimiter type={ams}]
    \noexpand\matrix \noexpand\bgroup}
\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname endtikz\mtype matrix\endcsname=\endtikzmatrix
\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname endams\mtype matrix\endcsname=\endtikzmatrix

\def\tikzamatrix{\begin{tikzpicture}[pmatrix,matrix delimiter type={tikz}]\matrix[label cells,name=am]\bgroup}
\def\endtikzamatrix{\\\egroup;\draw (am-cell-1-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn.north west) -- (am-cell-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow-\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn.south west);\end{tikzpicture}}

a & b & 0 \\
c & a + c & {\displaystyle \int_0^1 \sin(x) d x}

(The calligraphy and matrixcells package are available from TeX-SX launchpad page.)

Here's an example with a matrix of math nodes, with delimiters and a separation line with some shifting for that.

\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=),
  inner sep=2pt,outer sep=0pt]{
  a & b & [1em] 0 \\
  c & d & 1 \\ };
\draw ([xshift=0.5em]m-1-2.north east) -- ([xshift=0.5em]m-2-2.south east);

matrix example

If the entries would have different width, you could use |- instead of -- to get straight lines, such as

\draw ([xshift=0.5em]m-1-2.north east-|m-2-2.south east) -|
      ([xshift=0.5em]m-2-2.south east);

enter image description here

Even better: set the minimum width property for the nodes in the matrix.