How to draw a solid colored circle?
One easy way would be to use TikZ
as in the following MWE
Some Text \tikz\draw[red,fill=red] (0,0) circle (.5ex); further text
which produces
Where the first red
defines the line style of the drawn circle to be red and the fill=red
specifies, that its solid red. You could also use black,fill=red
to obtain a red circle with a black border. Finally of course the .5ex
is the radius of the circle.
Another solution with TikZ, but this one creates a command \tikzcircle
to be used in the document:
\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[2][red,fill=red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\draw[#1,radius=#2] (0,0) circle ;}%
It takes one mandatory argument, the radius of the circle and an optional argument that helps in customizing the circle's aspect.
The code:
\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[2][red,fill=red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\draw[#1,radius=#2] (0,0) circle ;}%
This is my text \tikzcircle{2pt} followed by \tikzcircle[green, fill=blue]{1.5pt} some other text \tikzcircle[fill=orange]{3pt} and some other text
The result:
\usepackage{xcolor,pict2e}% to allow any radius