How to put both chapter and section name in the header of the page?

A possible solution is to use the scrreprt class option twoside=semi (with margins like oneside, but different \leftmark and \rightmark).










This does exactly what you need. The only necessary thing was a proper definition of \sectionmark:


\renewcommand\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\MakeMarkcase {\thesection\hskip .5em\relax#1}}}
\rohead{\ifnum\expandafter\pdfstrcmp\botmark=0 \rightmark\else\leftmark{} --- \rightmark\fi}





This actually shows Section -- Chapter, to show them the other way around, change \leftmark{} --- \rightmark to \rightmark{} --- \leftmark.

Note, that scrpage2 is depreciated. So here is a suggestion using scrlayer-scrpage.


\ohead{\leftmark\ifstr{\rightmark}{\leftmark}{}{ -- \rightmark}}


If you want to use the outdated package scrpage2 remove option autooneside and use \automark[section]{chapter}.


\ohead{\leftmark\ifstr{\rightmark}{\leftmark}{}{ -- \rightmark}}
