How to draw a stack in drawstack/TiKz?
could be an alternative to drawstack
\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
level/.style={draw, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=8mm},
stack/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes={level}, row sep=-\pgflinewidth},
\matrix[stack, label={[font=\small, align=center, name=aux1]below:{departure\\ airport}},
label={[font=\Large, name=p1]above:\faPlaneDeparture}] (stackleft){
ticket (purchase) \\
baggage (check) \\
gates (load) \\
runway (takeoff) \\
airplane routing \\};
\node[level, right= of stackleft-5-1] (ar1) {airplane routing};
\node[level, right=of ar1] (ar2) {airplane routing};
\matrix[stack, label={[font=\small, align=center, name=aux2]below:{arrival\\ airport}},
label={[font=\Large, name=p2]above:\faPlaneArrival},
right=of ar2, anchor=stackright-5-1.west ] (stackright){
ticket (complain) \\
baggage (claim) \\
gates (unload) \\
runway (land) \\
airplane routing \\};
\node[font=\Large] at (p1-|ar1) {\faPlane};
\node[font=\Large] at (p1-|ar2) {\faPlane};
\path (aux1)--node[align=center, font=\small]{intermediate air-traffic\\ control centers} (aux2);
\draw[blue, very thick, ->] (stackleft.north west)--(stackleft.west|-aux1)--(aux1.south)--(aux2.south)--(stackright.east|-aux2)--(stackright.north east);
is poorly document package and consequently not very useful for your needs. better is to use pure tikz
. with multi part node from the shapes.multipart
library you can write:
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
node distance = 3mm and 4mm,
base/.style = {minimum width=32mm, node font=\sffamily, align=center},
VMPN/.style = {% Vertical Multi Part Node
rectangle split, rectangle split parts=5,
box/.style = {base, draw}
\node (n1) [VMPN]
{\nodepart{one} purchase (complain)
\nodepart{two} baggage (claim)
\nodepart{three} gates (unload)
\nodepart{four} runway (land)
\nodepart{five} airplane routing
\node (n2) [box, right=of n1.five east] {airplane routing};
\node (n3) [box, right=of n2] {airplane routing};
\node (n4) [VMPN, above right=0mm and 4mm of n3.south east]
{\nodepart{one} purchase (complain)
\nodepart{two} baggage (claim)
\nodepart{three} gates (unload)
\nodepart{four} runway (land)
\nodepart{five} airplane routing
\node [above=of $(n2.north)!0.5!(n3.north)$]
\node (n11) [base, below=of n1] {departure airport};
\node (n12) [base, below=of $(n2.south)!0.5!(n3.south)$]
{intermediate air-trafic\\control centers};
\node (n131) [base, below=of n4] {arrival airport};
\draw[blue!50!black, ultra thick, rounded corners=4mm, -{Triangle[angle=60:3pt 3]}]
([xshift=-3mm] n1.north west) |- ([yshift=-3mm] n12.south) -|
([xshift= 3mm] n4.north east);