How to draw this diagram with tikzcd or other packages

Not trivial…

The \times\mathbb{P}^1 part is set in a zero width box.



\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=3em,column sep=3em]
& M_{0,4}\mathrlap{{}\times\mathbb{P}^1}
B \arrow[r,"\kappa"'] & M_{0,4}


There are possibly different ways.

enter image description here

With this answer it is very easy. You can use the nodes for anything you want.

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=2.5em,row sep=2.5em,execute at end picture={
\foreach \X in {1,2,3,4}
{\draw[latex-,shorten >=1pt,shorten <=1pt] ([xshift=\X*1ex-1ex]M1.south east)  coordinate
(aux-\X) -- 
node[midway,right] {$\sigma_i$}
  &  |[alias=M1,text width=width("$M_{0,4}$")]|M_{0,4}\times \mathbb{P}^1
  \arrow[d,"\pi" swap]  \\
 B \arrow[r,"\kappa" swap] & |[alias=M2]| M_{0,4} \\

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=2.5em,row sep=2.5em,execute at end picture={
\foreach \X in {1,2,3,4}
{\draw[latex-,shorten >=1pt,shorten <=1pt] ([xshift=\X*1ex-1ex]M1.south east)  coordinate
(aux-\X) to[out=-90,in=80-\X*10] (M2)
node[midway,right] {$\sigma_i$}
  &  |[alias=M1,text width=width("$M_{0,4}$")]|M_{0,4}\times \mathbb{P}^1\arrow[d,"\pi" swap]  \\
 B \arrow[r,"\kappa" swap] & |[alias=M2]| M_{0,4} \\

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=4.5em,row sep=2.5em,execute at end picture={
\foreach \Y in {1,2} {\foreach \X in {1,2,3,4}
{\draw[latex-,shorten >=1pt,shorten <=1pt] ([xshift=\X*1ex-1ex]M1\Y.south east)  coordinate
(aux-\X) -- (aux-\X|-M2\Y.north)
node[midway,right] {$\sigma_i\ifnum\Y=1 '\fi$}
 |[alias=M11,text width=width("$B'$")]|B'\times \mathbb{P}^1  
 \arrow[r,shorten <=2.1em] \arrow[d,"\pi'" swap]
 &  |[alias=M12,text width=width("$B$")]|B\times \mathbb{P}^1\arrow[d,"\pi" swap]  \\
 |[alias=M21]| B' \arrow[r,"\phi" swap]  & |[alias=M22]| B \\

enter image description here

As you can see more clearly in the second example, the advantage of this hybrid approach is that you have access to the full TikZ machinery while keeping the tikz-cd functionality.

TikZ is enough for (most) block figures.

(0,0) node (M) {$M_{0,4}$}
+(180:2) node (B) {$B$}
++(90:1.5)+(0:.3) node (P) 
{$M_{0,4}\times \mathbb{P}^1$};

\draw[->] (B)--(M) node[below,midway]{$\kappa$}; 
\draw[<-,shorten >=2mm] (M.120)--(P-|M.120) 
\foreach \i in {0,1,2}
\draw[->] (M.45)++(90:1mm)++(0:\i*1.5mm)--+(90:.8);
\draw[->] (M.45)++(90:1mm)++(0:3*1.5mm)--+(90:.8)

enter image description here