Android - How to edit the "ME" contact?

I also had the same problem and it took me 2 days to fix this

Try going to

Find your profile (should have your gmail on email address)

Re-add the faulty data (it was an old phone number in my case), save, and force your nexus to sync contacts

Now delete the faulty data, sava, and force sync again.

If that didnt work, do the same but with your google+ profile: re-add faulty data, save, and force sync, then delete it.

I did both of the above, so I'm not exactly sure which method worked

Edit: just remembered there was one other thing i did after all of the above:

Go to google plus app on your nexus

Click "settings" and uncheck the contacts syncing.

The old phone number was removed at this point. And turning sync back on did not make it reappear

Hope that helped!

I posted my fix on the Google Mobile Help Forum.

I couldn't get the Me profile to update, so I deleted it. There was a warning that it would just be hidden, but after I did it, I couldn't find a way to bring it back. So I created the local profile instead and just entered my email address.

I also did a lot of cleanup using my PC:

I went to Google+ and cleaned up my profile info. I went to Google Contacts and deleted my contact record, then re-created it. The contact record connected to Google+ when I entered my email address.

I disabled contacts syncing for a bunch of apps on my phone, like Twitter and YouMail.

To get the Me profile to connect to Google+ again and pull my profile info, I went to Manage Apps -> All -> Google+ and hit the Clear cache and Clear data buttons. I opened up the Google+ app and connected my account. Then I went back to the Me profile to confirm that it worked.

Had the same issue. Open the Google+ app on your phone. Sign out of Google+ then sign back in again. Fixed it for me.