How to exclude source code from coverage measurement in IntelliJ IDEA?

This question is currently over a year old; however, I thought I could offer an alternative to ignoring private constructors in unit tests. Although fairly unlikely, it is possible to circumvent a private constructor in Java. Also, its possible the class could be modified in the future, someone could add a constructor etc... Having a unit test verifying this can feel redundant, but it does add another level of clarity of intent. A failing unit test would certainly catch my eye, "I caused a unit test to fail, am I sure I know what I'm changing here?"

Without further ado here is some sample code.

Here we have a class with a private constructor.

public final class ClassWithPrivateCtor
  private ClassWithPrivateCtor()
    throw new AssertionError(String.format(
      "Illegal instantiation of class: %s.",

This is one way to invoke a private constructor in Java.

private static <T> void invokePrivateConstructor(final Class<T> type)
  throws Throwable
  final Constructor<T> constructor = type.getDeclaredConstructor();


  catch (InvocationTargetException ex)
    throw ex.getTargetException();

And this is how I use it in my unit tests.

  description = "Verify ClassWithPrivateCtor private constructor fails.",
  expectedExceptions = AssertionError.class)
public void classWithPrivateCtorTest()
  throws Throwable

I've made it a habit to verify private constructors this way just to be clear about the original intent of the class whether its a utility class or a class with constants etc...

I use enum for utility classes and most coverage tools know to ignore it's methods.

public enum Util { ;

enum are final with private constructors by default.