How to execute a Javascript function only after multiple other functions have completed?

If you want to keep it simple, you can use a counter-based callbacks system. Here's a draft of a system that allows when(A, B).then(C) syntax. (when/then is actually just sugar, but then again the whole system arguably is.)

var when = function() {
  var args = arguments;  // the functions to execute first
  return {
    then: function(done) {
      var counter = 0;
      for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        // call each function with a function to call on done
        args[i](function() {
          if(counter === args.length) {  // all functions have notified they're done


  function(done) {
    // do things
  function(done) {
    // do things
    setTimeout(done, 1000);
).then(function() {
  // all are done

If you don't use any asynchronous functions and your script doesn't break the order of execution, then the most simple solution is, as stated by Pointy and others:


However, since you're using node.js, I believe you're going to use asynchronous functions and want to execute funcC after a async IO request has finished, so you have to use some kind of counting mechanisms, for example:

var call_after_completion = function(callback){
    this._callback = callback;
    this._args = [],1);
    this._queue = {};
    this._count = 0;
    this._run = false;

call_after_completion.prototype.add_condition = function(str){
    if(this._queue[str] !== undefined)
        throw new TypeError("Identifier '"+str+"' used twice");
    else if(typeof str !== "String" && str.toString === undefined)
        throw new TypeError("Identifier has to be a string or needs a toString method");

    this._queue[str] = 1;
    return str;

call_after_completion.prototype.remove_condition = function(str){
    if(this._queue[str] === undefined){
        console.log("Removal of condition '"+str+"' has no effect");
    else if(typeof str !== "String" && str.toString === undefined)
        throw new TypeError("Identifier has to be a string or needs a toString method");

    delete this._queue[str];

    if(--this._count === 0 && this._run === false){
        this._run = true;

You can simplify this object by ignoring the identifier str and just increasing/decreasing this._count, however this system could be useful for debugging.

In order to use call_after_completion you simply create a new call_after_completion with your desired function func as argument and add_conditions. func will only be called if all conditions have been removed.


var foo = function(){console.log("foo");}
var bar = new call_after_completion(foo);
var i;

bar.add_condition("foo:additional function");

function additional_stuff(cond){
    console.log("additional things");
    cond.remove_condition("foo:additional function");

for(i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){

console.log("for loop finished");

    console.log("3 second timeout");

JSFiddle Demo

If you don't want to use any helper libraries, than you need to write some helper yourself, there's no simple one line solution for this.

If you'd like to end with something that looks as readable as it would in synchronous case, try some deferred/promise concept implementation (it's still plain JavaScript), e.g. using deferred package you may end up with something as simple as:

// Invoke one after another:

// Invoke funcA and funcB simultaneously and afterwards funcC:

// If want result of both funcA and funcB to be passed to funcC:
deferred(funcA(), funcB())(funcC);