How to execute command on every table column

You can use the collcell package to collect the cell of each row and apply the appropriate macro to the column. Below I defined the columns type W to apply to apply \ibibleverse{Matthew}{#1} macro, K column type to apply \ibibleverse{Mark}{#1}, and the E column type to apply \ibibleverse{Luke}{#1} (column names based on the last characters of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

enter image description here







\begin{tabular}{W  K  E}
1:1 & 1:1 & 1:1 \\
1:2 & 1:2 & 1:2 \\
1:3 & 1:3 & 1:3 \\

If you want to exclude header tows you can use the solution from Tables header row's: how to ignore the column type? to only apply these macros in you are not in a header row.

enter image description here



\newtoggle{inTableHeader}% Track if still in header of table
\toggletrue{inTableHeader}% Set initial value

% Redefine tabular to initialize \StartTableHeader at start and end





\begin{tabular}{W  K  E}
Mathew & Mark & Luke \EndTableHeader\\
1:1 & 1:1 & 1:1 \\
1:2 & 1:2 & 1:2 \\
1:3 & 1:3 & 1:3 \\

You could also use the array package

enter image description here

\newcolumntype{B}[1]{>{\ibibleverse{#1} (}c<{)}}


            1.1     &   1.1   &   1.1\\
            1.2     &   1.2   &   1.2\\
            1.3     &   1.3   &   1.3

