How to explicitly split long TOC in beamer?

My suggestion is avoid split the ToC in several frames. Alternatives:

1) Start only showing the sections (without subsections):

% \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} % allow subsequent ToCs *with* subsections  

... or shorter:



Simplicity is power in a presentation.

2) Not incompatible with the previos point, show the ToC starting each section, but highliting the current section and optionally showing the subsections of this section only:

% In the preamble!!

And set tocdepth counter to 2 if yo left the frame of point 1!


In some cases (e.g. showing the 3th section) this is not enough because there are 10 subsections. Then these are my suggestions:

a) Do not show any subsections (maintain tocdepth in 1). Still simplicity is power.

b) Redesign the structure, if possible, making fewer subsections.

c) Use multicolumns, e.g.:

% In the preamble!!


d) Remove the shadow sections, show only the Toc of the actual section with \tableofcontents[sectionstyle=show/hide,subsectionstyle=show/show/hide]:



\title{List of Donald Duck universe characters}
\author{Walt Disney}


\section{Main characters}
\subsection{Donald Duck}
\subsection{Daisy Duck}
\subsection{Huey, Dewey, and Louie}
\subsection{Scrooge McDuck}
\subsection{Ludwig Von Drake}

\subsection{Duck family (Disney)}
\subsection{Clan McDuck}

\section{Duck characters}
\subsection{Umperio Bogarto}
\subsection{Bum Bum Ghigno}
\subsection{Magica De Spell}
\subsection{Flintheart Glomgold}
\subsection{Grand Mogul}
\subsection{Mata Harrier}
\subsection{Brigitta MacBridge}

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Donald Duck universe characters}


You can specify as option which section to show:


So you can manually specify which section to show in each frame:
