How to extract a key value pair from ps command

You're not showing the error message you are getting but it's probably

grep: unknown devices method

That's because, like all or at least most other command line programs, grep assumes that anything that starts with a - is an option and tries to parse it as such. In this case, -D is used to instruct grep on how to deal with a device file (see man grep for details). One way to get around this is to use -- which tells grep that anything following is not an option flag.

Combining that with the PCRE capability of GNU grep, you can do:

ps -af -u sas | grep -v grep | grep -Po -- '*-\[^\s]+'

The regular expression searches for a - and discards it (\K), then the string followed by as many non-space characters as possible. The output is:

If you want the myApp part saved in a variable, I would search for that alone:

ps -af -u sas | grep -v grep | grep -Po -- '\K[^\s]+'

To assign it to a variable:

$ app="$(ps -af -u sas | grep -v grep | grep -Po -- '\K[^\s]+')"
$ echo $app

However, you should never grep the output of ps for this kind of thing, that's what pgrep is for:

app="$(pgrep -a java | grep -Po -- '^\K[^\s]+')"

With awk:

ps -af -u sas | awk 'BEGIN {RS=" "}; /'

ps -af -u sas | sed -n '/[j]ava/s/.*-Dapp\.name=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'