How to filter an object with its values in ES6

You can use reduce() to create new object and includes() to check if value of object exists in array.

const acceptedValues = ["value1", "value3"]
const myObject = {
  prop1: "value1",
  prop2: "value2",
  prop3: "value3"

var filteredObject = Object.keys(myObject).reduce(function(r, e) {
  if (acceptedValues.includes(myObject[e])) r[e] = myObject[e]
  return r;
}, {})


For ES6 and if you need static code (you know exactly, what properties you need to filter) and it does not depends on the app state, than you can use the following destructuring technique:

const myObject = {
  prop1: 'value1',
  prop2: 'value2',
  prop3: 'value3'
const { prop2, ...filteredObject } = myObject{ filteredObject, prop2 })

And you will have:

filteredObject: {prop1: "value1", prop3: "value3"}
prop2: "value2"