How to find arXiv articles
Something like this:
arXiv = ServiceConnect["ArXiv"];
articles =
arXiv["Search", {"Query" -> {"Abstract" -> {"Eigenvalues",
"Mathematica"}}, MaxItems -> 25, "SortBy" -> "DateSubmitted"}];
articles[All, {"URL", "Title", "Published"}]
Looking at the help page has more info: ArXiv
Following up on the previous answer you can restrict by date pretty trivially using Mathematica:
arXiv = ServiceConnect["ArXiv"];
articles = arXiv["Search", {
"Query" -> "Mathematica",
"MaxItems" -> 1000,
"SortBy" -> "DateSubmitted"}];
selectFromRange[articles_, dmin_, dmax_] :=
With[{min = DateObject@Normal@dmin, max = DateObject@Normal@dmax},
articles[Select[min < #Published < max &]]
selectFromRange[articles, DateObject@Today[{"Year"}], Today]
Looking through the API documentation there doesn't seem to be a way to restrict within an API call and so any processing by date would have to be done after the fact anyway.