How to find Jobs that ran between two times

Well you could run the following query to retrieve the jobs run between two times or you could change the WHERE expression to catch jobs that ran for a certain duration.

       STUFF(STUFF(CAST(sjh.run_date as nvarchar(10)),5,0,'.'),8,0,'.') as HistRunDate,
       STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 6) +  CAST(sjh.run_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') as HistRunTime,
       STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 8) + CAST(sjh.run_duration as varchar(8)), 8), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':'), 9, 0, ':') as HistRunDuration
       --,sjh.run_status AS JobStatus
FROM   msdb.dbo.sysjobs           AS sj
       join msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory AS sjh --- was sysjobschedule sjc
            on sjh.job_id = sj.job_id
WHERE  1=1
--AND sj.enabled = 1
-- for a certain time frame
AND ((sjh.run_date = 20170617 and sjh.run_time > 200000) 
or (sjh.run_date = 20170722 and sjh.run_time < 100000))

-- between certain dates and with a long duration
--AND (sjh.run_date > 20160501) AND (sjh.run_date < 20160503)
--and sjh.run_duration > 3000

-- Job Outcome not required
--and sjh.step_name != '(Job outcome)'
--and sjh.step_id = 0

-- Find failed jobs
--and sjh.run_status != 1


As McNets pointed out there are various ways to retrieve the date you require. It's good to know though that the dates and times are defined as INT in the sys.jobsxxxx tables and not as dates and times as one would expect.

Reference: dbo.sysjobhistory (Transact-SQL)(Microsoft Technet)

You should be able to get this information from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory table.

Have a look at MS-Docs about it.

This is the sample you'll find there:

       STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 6) +  CAST(sh.run_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') 'run_time',
       STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 8) + CAST(sh.run_duration as varchar(8)), 8), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':'), 9, 0, ':') 'run_duration (DD:HH:MM:SS)  '
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj
JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sh
ON sj.job_id = sh.job_id;

| name                                       | run_date | run_time | run_duration (DD:HH:MM:SS) |
| C88FC48A-1F9B-42CB-8D6B-9DB6E394A08F       | 20170601 | 08:00:01 | 00:00:00:00                |
| 25C346F3-C83E-4DAC-9A31-C0A0C8C4B862       | 20170601 | 08:00:01 | 00:00:00:00                |
| C88FC48A-1F9B-42CB-8D6B-9DB6E394A08F       | 20170601 | 08:00:00 | 00:00:00:01                |
| 25C346F3-C83E-4DAC-9A31-C0A0C8C4B862       | 20170601 | 08:00:00 | 00:00:00:01                |
| Copia de seguretat cada 12 hores.Subplán_1 | 20170601 | 12:00:00 | 00:00:01:50                |
| Copia de seguretat cada 12 hores.Subplán_1 | 20170601 | 12:00:00 | 00:00:01:50                |
| 9D523764-6C16-4F35-A623-B0F4AB0DC071       | 20170601 | 15:18:00 | 00:00:00:00                |
| 9D523764-6C16-4F35-A623-B0F4AB0DC071       | 20170601 | 15:18:00 | 00:00:00:00                |
| 3749C767-EB7A-44EB-B1C2-3D2CB04A2B43       | 20170601 | 21:00:00 | 00:00:00:00                |
| 3749C767-EB7A-44EB-B1C2-3D2CB04A2B43       | 20170601 | 21:00:00 | 00:00:00:00                |