How to find Number of Occurences of Slash from a strings

BTW, if you are into performance, the following is 20% faster than using split or replace to determine the count:

Private Function GetCountOfChar( _
  ByRef ar_sText As String, _
  ByVal a_sChar As String _
) As Integer
  Dim l_iIndex As Integer
  Dim l_iMax As Integer
  Dim l_iLen As Integer

  GetCountOfChar = 0
  l_iMax = Len(ar_sText)
  l_iLen = Len(a_sChar)
  For l_iIndex = 1 To l_iMax
    If (Mid(ar_sText, l_iIndex, l_iLen) = a_sChar) Then 'found occurrence
      GetCountOfChar = GetCountOfChar + 1
      If (l_iLen > 1) Then l_iIndex = l_iIndex + (l_iLen - 1) 'if matching more than 1 char, need to move more than one char ahead to continue searching
    End If
  Next l_iIndex
End Function

Old question, but I thought I would add to the quality of the answer by an answer I found at an excel forum. Apparently the count can also be found using.

    count =Len(string)-Len(Replace(string,"/",""))

Full credit for the answer goes to the original author at:

Function CountOfChar(str as string, character as string) as integer
      CountOfChar = UBound(Split(str, character))
End Function

Use the below function, as in count = CountChrInString(yourString, "/").

''' Returns the count of the specified character in the specified string.
Public Function CountChrInString(Expression As String, Character As String) As Long
' ? CountChrInString("a/b/c", "/")
'  2
' ? CountChrInString("a/b/c", "\")
'  0
' ? CountChrInString("//////", "/")
'  6
' ? CountChrInString(" a / b / c ", "/")
'  2
' ? CountChrInString("a/b/c", " / ")
'  0
    Dim iResult As Long
    Dim sParts() As String

    sParts = Split(Expression, Character)

    iResult = UBound(sParts, 1)

    If (iResult = -1) Then
    iResult = 0
    End If

    CountChrInString = iResult

End Function


