How to find the name of the current function at runtime?

Your macro can contain the __FUNCTION__ macro. Make no mistake, the function name will be inserted into the expanded code at compile time, but it will be the correct function name for each call to your macro. So it "seems like" it happens in run-time ;)


#define THROW_IF(val) if (val) throw "error in " __FUNCTION__

int foo()
    int a = 0;
    THROW_IF(a > 0); // will throw "error in foo()"

The C++ preprocessor macro __FUNCTION__ gives the name of the function.

Note that if you use this, it's not really getting the filename, line number, or function name at runtime. Macros are expanded by the preprocessor, and compiled in.

Example program:

#include <iostream>

void function1()
        std::cout << "my function name is: " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n";

int main()
        std::cout << "my function name is: " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n";
        return 0;


my function name is: main
my function name is: function1

There's no standard solution. However, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION is portable for all practical purposes. The header does not not depend on any of the other Boost headers, so can be used standalone if the overhead of the whole library is unacceptable.