How to fix truncated PowerShell output, even when I've specified -width 300

Pipe output to Format-Table commandlet, e.g. as follows:

Get-ChildItem 'E:\' -Force -Recurse | Select-Object FullName | Format-Table -AutoSize


(Get-ChildItem 'E:\' -Force -Recurse).FullName | Format-Table -AutoSize

Note that -Width parameter of Out-File cmdlet specifies the number of characters in each line of output. Any additional characters are truncated, not wrapped. However, -Width 300 should suffice in this case.

for me it works best with piping to export-csv


GCI 'E:\' -Recurse | Select FullName | Export-CSV Files.csv

without double quotes:

Add-Content -Path Files.txt -Value (GCI 'E:\' -Recurse).FullName