How to force errorbars to render last with Matplotlib

This is a known bug in matplotlib. Link to github issue

Hacky solution: Add the argument zorder=3 when you call plt.errorbar, like plt.errorbar(..., zorder=3)

This looks like it is a bug in matplotlib where the zorder argument of the errorbar is not correctly passed to the vertical lines part of error bars.

replicates your problem :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
[ax.plot(rand(50),color='0.75') for j in range(122)];

error bar fail Hacky work around:

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
[ax.plot(rand(50),color='0.75',zorder=-32) for j in range(122)];

error bar hack

report as an issue to matploblib (now patched and closed)