How to forcefully close an async generator?
You can use a timeout on the queue so is_connected()
is polled regularly if there is no item to pop:
async def event_publisher(connection, queue):
while True:
if not await connection.is_disconnected():
event = await asyncio.wait_for(queue.get(), timeout=10.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
yield event
Alternatively, it is possible to use Queue.get_nowait()
It seems to be related to this issue. Noticable:
As shown in, it's an error to close a synchronous generator while it is being iterated.
In 3.8, calling "aclose()" can crash with a RuntimeError. It's no longer possible to reliably cancel a running asynchrounous generator.
Well, since we can't cancel running asynchrounous generator, let's try to cancel its running.
import asyncio
from contextlib import suppress
async def cancel_gen(agen):
task = asyncio.create_task(agen.__anext__())
with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
await task
await agen.aclose() # probably a good idea,
# but if you'll be getting errors, try to comment this line
if connection.is_disconnected():
await cancel_gen(published_events)
Can't test if it'll work since you didn't provide reproducable example.