How to format GPS latitude and longitude?

Here's a Kotlin version, adapted from Martin Weber's answer. It also sets the correct hemisphere; N, S, W or E

object LocationConverter {

    fun latitudeAsDMS(latitude: Double, decimalPlace: Int): String {
        val direction = if (latitude > 0) "N" else "S"
        var strLatitude = Location.convert(latitude.absoluteValue, Location.FORMAT_SECONDS)
        strLatitude = replaceDelimiters(strLatitude, decimalPlace)
        strLatitude += " $direction"
        return strLatitude

    fun longitudeAsDMS(longitude: Double, decimalPlace: Int): String {
        val direction = if (longitude > 0) "W" else "E"
        var strLongitude = Location.convert(longitude.absoluteValue, Location.FORMAT_SECONDS)
        strLongitude = replaceDelimiters(strLongitude, decimalPlace)
        strLongitude += " $direction"
        return strLongitude

    private fun replaceDelimiters(str: String, decimalPlace: Int): String {
        var str = str
        str = str.replaceFirst(":".toRegex(), "°")
        str = str.replaceFirst(":".toRegex(), "'")
        val pointIndex = str.indexOf(".")
        val endIndex = pointIndex + 1 + decimalPlace
        if (endIndex < str.length) {
            str = str.substring(0, endIndex)
        str += "\""
        return str

As already mentioned, there are some string manipulations required. I created the following helper class, which converts the location to DMS format and allows to specify the decimal places for the seconds:

import android.location.Location;

public class LocationConverter {

    public static String getLatitudeAsDMS(Location location, int decimalPlace){
        String strLatitude = Location.convert(location.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_SECONDS);
        strLatitude = replaceDelimiters(strLatitude, decimalPlace);
        strLatitude = strLatitude + " N";
        return strLatitude;

    public static String getLongitudeAsDMS(Location location, int decimalPlace){
        String strLongitude = Location.convert(location.getLongitude(), Location.FORMAT_SECONDS);
        strLongitude = replaceDelimiters(strLongitude, decimalPlace);
        strLongitude = strLongitude + " W";
        return strLongitude;

    private static String replaceDelimiters(String str, int decimalPlace) {
        str = str.replaceFirst(":", "°");
        str = str.replaceFirst(":", "'");
        int pointIndex = str.indexOf(".");
        int endIndex = pointIndex + 1 + decimalPlace;
        if(endIndex < str.length()) {
            str = str.substring(0, endIndex);
        str = str + "\"";
        return str;

to conver from decimals to degrees you can do as follow

String strLongitude = Location.convert(location.getLongitude(), Location.FORMAT_DEGREES);
String strLatitude = Location.convert(location.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_DEGREES);

reference is android developer site.


I have tried following thing and get the output:

strLongitude = Location.convert(location.getLongitude(), Location.FORMAT_DEGREES);
strLatitude = Location.convert(location.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_DEGREES);

OUTPUT : Long: 73.16584: Lat: 22.29924

strLongitude = Location.convert(location.getLongitude(), Location.FORMAT_SECONDS);
strLatitude = Location.convert(location.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_SECONDS);

OUTPUT : Long: 73:9:57.03876: Lat: 22:17:57.26472

strLongitude = Location.convert(location.getLongitude(), Location.FORMAT_MINUTES);
strLatitude = Location.convert(location.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_MINUTES);

OUTPUT : Long: 73:9.95065: Lat: 22:17.95441

Try different option as per your requirement

Should be some math:

(int)37.33168                => 37

37.33168 % 1 = 0.33168
0.33168 * 60 = 19.905        => 19

19.905 % 1 = 0.905    
0.905 * 60                   => 54

same with -122 (add 360 if negative value)

EDIT: May be there is some API, which I don't know.

Refer From: How to find degree from the latitude value in android?

Convert Latitude and Longitude Values (Degrees) to Double . Java