How to generate password
Here's something which is nice and might be easy to remember:
StringJoin @@ RandomSample[#, Length@#] &@
Flatten@{IntegerString@RandomInteger[{10, 999}],
Capitalize /@ RandomWord[3],
RandomSample[Characters@"!@_%$^=+*.", 2]
Select examples:
"Tearless+PostdoctoralDragon=635" (*DEFINTIELY MY FAVORITE!!*)
To increase the entropy, you may want to make spelling mistakes. Here's a great way to produce pronounceable non-words:
spoilWord[word_String] :=
RandomChoice@{"Hebrew", "Arabic", "Japanese", "Korean","Greek"}
A shorter formulation equivalent to your own code is:
FromCharacterCode @ RandomInteger[{33, 126}, 10]
However quite a few places only accept alphanumeric passwords, and not all keyboards have the same easily accessible character sets. If we assume that your given example is sufficiently secure you need 94^10 ~= 5*10^19 unique passwords. This is easily accomplished by adding a single alphanumeric character as 62^11 ~= 5*10^19. Therefore I propose:
rnd =
FromCharacterCode @
RandomChoice[Join @@ Range[{48, 97, 65}, {57, 122, 90}], #] &;
Or five passwords at once:
rnd[{5, 11}]
{"suPwm0c7FxS", "CV3khXaowWS", "Lac9z1IVCwc", "gptfkp2GMwH", "HDhRuFPLxte"}