How to generate this structure of a list without `While` and the like?

Whenever you're building a list with While or For, there's a good chance Table or Array can help. In this case, the solution with Table is quite simple: just use two iterators and make the bounds of the second dependent on the first iterator:

list[d_] := Join @@ Table[i*d + j, {i, 0, d}, {j, i + 1, d}]

The Join @@ is used to flatten the array. Flatten @ would also do, but I prefer the former when I know that I'm only flattening one level.

As you noted this is quite a bit slower than your own solution. If performance is a concern, you can use this slightly less readable form that combines Table with Range and appears to be about 10 to 20 times faster than your code:

list[d_] := Join @@ Table[Range[i*d + i + 1, (i + 1) d], {i, 0, d}]

This works:

f[d_] := Join @@ MapThread[
   Transpose@Table[{(i - 1) d + i, i d}, {i, d}]


{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9}

and it's pretty fast as well:

{0.410494, Null}

same caveat about Join@@ vs Flatten@ as Martin Büttner by whose wise comment this can be simplified to merely:

f[d_] := Join @@ Range @@@ Table[{(i - 1) d + i, i d}, {i, d}]

different ... but slow :)

f1 = SparseArray[UpperTriangularize[Partition[Range[#^2], #]]][ "NonzeroValues"] &

f1 /@ {3, 4}

{{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9},
{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16}}

Also different but slower:

f2 = Flatten[UpperTriangularize[Partition[Range[#^2], #]] /. 0 -> (## &[])] &

f3 = Sort[SparseArray[{i_, j_} /; i <= j :> (i - 1) # + j, {#, #}]["NonzeroValues"]] &;
f1 /@ {3, 4} == f2 /@ {3, 4} == f3 /@ {3, 4}
