How to get a good "divisible by" symbol?
I've never seen that symbol. But here's how you can define it
It's just an almost straightforward modification of \vdots
In order that the symbol changes size when used in subscripts/superscripts, just enclosing the main part in \text
will do.
a\divby b \qquad \sum_{k\divby n}a_k
Here's another way to define a \divby
symbol (it additionally requires graphicx
I have another solution. :) You could also use TikZ
. (This may be quite straightforward if you load the package in your preamble anyway.)
\newcommand{\divby}{\ \tikz \foreach \y in {0ex, 0.65ex, 1.3ex} \fill (0,\y) circle (0.5pt);\ }
$15\divby 3$