How to get compiler to prefer const method overloading in C++?

The easiest way to do it would be to make a CAccess member (Like cbegin on stdlib containers):

class Example {
  int const & Access() const;
  int       & Access();
  int const & CAccess() const { return Access(); }
  // No non-const CAccess, so always calls `int const& Access() const`

This has the downside that you need to remember to call CAccess if you don't modify it.

You could also return a proxy instead:

class Example;

class AccessProxy {
  Example& e;
  explicit AccessProxy(Example& e_) noexcept : e(e_) {}
  friend class Example;
  operator int const&() const;
  int& operator=(int) const;

class Example {
  int const & Access() const;
  AccessProxy Access() {
      return { *this };
  int & ActuallyAccess();
  friend class AccessProxy;

inline AccessProxy::operator int const&() const {
    return e.Access();

inline int& AccessProxy::operator=(int v) const {
    int& value = e.ActuallyAccess();
    value = v;
    return value;

But the downside here is that the type is no longer int&, which might lead to some issues, and only operator= is overloaded.

The second one can easily apply to operators, by making a template class, something like this:

#include <utility>

template<class T, class Class, T&(Class::* GetMutable)(), T const&(Class::* GetImmutable)() const>
class AccessProxy {
  Class& e;
  T& getMutable() const {
      return (e.*GetMutable)();
  const T& getImmutable() const {
      return (e.*GetImmutable)();
  explicit AccessProxy(Class& e_) noexcept : e(e_) {}
  operator T const&() const {
      return getImmutable();
  template<class U>
  decltype(auto) operator=(U&& arg) const {
      return (getMutable() = std::forward<U>(arg));

class Example {
  int const & Access() const;
  auto Access() {
      return AccessProxy<int, Example, &Example::ActuallyAccess, &Example::Access>{ *this };
  int & ActuallyAccess();

(Though AccessProxy::operator-> would need to be defined too)

and the first method just doesn't work with operator members (Unless you're willing to change sharedHandle->read() into sharedHandle.CGet().read())