How to get first four letters from string in Swift 3?
The easiest way to get a string's prefix is with
// Swift 3
// Swift 4 and up
// Objective-C
NSString *firstFour = [string substringToIndex:4];
This is a simple validation using regular expression. The pattern represents:
must be the beginning of the string[A-Za-z]{4}
= four characters A-Z or a-z0
one zero.{6}
six arbitrary characters$
must be the end of the string
Updated to Swift 4
func validateIFSC(code : String) -> Bool {
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^[A-Za-z]{4}0.{6}$")
return regex.numberOfMatches(in: code, range: NSRange(code.startIndex..., in: code)) == 1
PS: To answer your question, you get the first 4 characters in Swift 3 with
let first4 = code.substring(to:code.index(code.startIndex, offsetBy: 4))
and in Swift 4 simply
let first4 = String(code.prefix(4))